

  • Wakimoto Y, Anan M, Tanimoto K, Hattori H, Shinkoda K: Factors associated with greater co-contraction during walking and quadriceps exercises in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Physiother Pract Res: 2024 in Press
  • Anan M, Tokuda K, Tanimoto K, Sawada T: Coordination of joint movement during gait in knee osteoarthritis: Insights from uncontrolled manifold analysis. J Biomech 176: 112305, 2024(PubMed
  • Kirishima A, Anan M: Interjoint coordination at different squatting speeds in healthy adults. Cureus 16(8): e67620, 2024(Pubmed
  • Nakamura J, Igura R, Anan M: Kinematic synergy of speed reduction during stair descent. Acta Bioeng Biomech 26(2): 2024 in Press
  • Shiwa T, Makino K, Anan M: Influence of tactile and verbal guidance on lateral weight-shifting in double-leg standing after total hip arthroplasty. J Bodyw Mov Ther 40: 1289-1294, 2024(ScienceDirect
  • Todaka R, Kajiyama T, Kariu N, Anan M: Effect of gait training with non-paretic knee immobilization on lower limb and trunk acceleration in a post-stroke hemiparetic patient: A case report. Cureus 16(7): e64193, 2024(PubMed


  • Kubota Y, Tsubouchi Y, Anan M, Kawano M, Iwasaki T, Itonaga I, Ikeda S, Kataoka M, Tsumura H, Kaku N, Tanaka K: Gait analysis of a patient after femoral nerve and malignant soft tissue tumor resections: a case report. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 25(1):131, 2024(PubMed
  • Shiwa T, Kawabata Y, Ishii T, Anan M: Effect of heel lift insertion on gait function in a patient with total hip arthroplasty with patient-perceived leg length difference: a case report. J Phys Ther Sci 36(2): 81-86, 2024(PubMed
  • Anan M, Tokuda K, Tanimoto K, Sawada T: The relationship between knee flexion excursion and mechanical stress during gait in medial knee osteoarthritis. Clin Biomech 112: 106180, 2024(PubMed
  • Todaka R, Kajiyama T, Kariu N, Anan M: Longitudinal changes in trunk acceleration and their relationship with gait parameters in post-stroke hemiplegic patients. Hum Mov Sci 93: 103176, 2023(PubMed
  • Ibara T, Hada K, Karashima R, Kawashima M, Anan M: Correlation between rotational moments of the knee and other joints during gait, including the free moment of patients with a medial meniscus tear. Acta Bioeng Biomech 22(4): 119-126, 2023(PubMed


  • 栗栖由美子,阿南雅也:歌唱指導における三次元動作解析システムの可能性(2).大分大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 40:125-134,2023


  • 栗栖由美子,阿南雅也:歌唱指導における三次元動作解析システムの可能性.大分大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 39:13-26,2022
  • 山科俊輔,原田和宏,玉利光太郎,田中亮,山田英司,森山英樹,阿南雅也,京極真,河村顕治:保存療法中の変形性膝関節症患者を対象とした観察に基づく歩行異常性評価の構築に向けた研究ー評価の項目特性,因子妥当性,併存的妥当性および検者間信頼性.理学療法ジャーナル 55(8):922-930,2021
  • Ibara T, Takahashi M, Shinkoda K, Kawashima M, Anan M: Hip sway in patients with hip osteoarthritis during one-leg standing with a focus on time-series data. Motor Control 25(3):502-518, 2021(PubMed


  • Tanaka K, Anan M, Tsubouchi Y, Iwasaki T, Kawano M, Itonaga I, Ikeda S, Kataoka M, Suenobu S, Tsumura H: Gait analysis of a patient who underwent complete resection of the patella and quadriceps femoris for soft tissue sarcoma. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 57(2):298-302, 2021(PubMed
  • Sunaga Y, Takahashi M, Anan M, Shinkoda K: Changes in motion patterns among pregnant women turning while carrying an object after rising from a chair. Int J Ind Ergon 80: 103057, 2020(ScienceDirect
  • Harada T, Hara M, Matsushita K, Kawakami K, Kawakami K, Anan M, Sugata H: Off‐line effects of alpha‐frequency transcranial alternating current stimulation on a visuomotor learning task. Brain Behav 10(9): e01754, 2020(PubMed
  • Ibara T, Anan M, Karashima R, Hada K, Shinkoda K, Kawashima M, Takahashi M: Coordination pattern of the thigh, pelvic, and lumbar movements during the gait of patients with hip osteoarthritis. J Healthc Eng 2020: 9545825, 2020(PubMed


  • Ogata Y, Anan M, Takahashi M, Takeda T, Sawada T, Tanimoto K, Shinkoda K: Relationships between trunk movement patterns during lifting tasks as compared to unloaded extension from a flexed posture. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 41(3) 189-198, 2018(PubMed
  • Tokuda K, Anan M, Sawada T, Tanimoto K, Takeda T, Ogata Y, Takahashi M, Kito N, Shinkoda K: Biomechanical mechanism of lateral trunk lean gait for knee osteoarthritis patients. J Biomech 66: 10-17, 2018(PubMed
  • Anan M, Hattori H, Tanimoto K, Wakimoto Y, Ibara T, Kito N, Shinkoda K: The coordination of joint movements during sit-to-stand motion in old adults: the uncontrolled manifold analysis. Phys Ther Res 20(2): 44-50, 2017(PubMed
  • Tokuda K, Anan M, Sawada T, Tanimoto K, Takeda T, Ogata Y, Takahashi M, Kito N, Shinkoda K: Trunk lean gait decreases multi-segmental coordination in the vertical direction. J Phys Ther Sci 29(11): 1940-1946, 2017(PubMed
  • Sawada T, Tanimoto K, Tokuda K, Iwamoto Y, Ogata Y, Anan M, Takahashi M, Kito N, Shinkoda K: Rear foot kinematics when wearing lateral wedge insoles and foot alignment influence the effect of knee adduction moment for medial knee osteoarthritis. Gait Posture 57: 177-181, 2017(PubMed
  • Tanimoto K, Takahashi M, Tokuda K, Sawada T, Anan M, Shinkoda K: Lower limb kinematics during the swing phase in patients with knee osteoarthritis measured using an inertial sensor. Gait Posture 57: 236-240, 2017(PubMed


  • Sawada T, Tokuda K, Tanimoto K, Iwamoto Y, Ogata Y, Anan M, Takahashi M, Kito N, Shinkoda K: Foot alignments influence the effect of knee adduction moment with lateral wedge insoles during gait. Gait Posture 49: 451-456, 2016(PubMed
  • 木村悠人,阿南雅也,高橋真,林秀俊,新小田幸一:腰部脊柱管狭窄症患者における着座動作の運動学的分析.理学療法科学 31(4):541-546,2016
  • Sunaga Y, Kanemura N, Anan M, Takahashi M, Shinkoda K: Estimation of inertial parameters of the lower trunk in pregnant Japanese women: A longitudinal comparative study and application to motion analysis. Appl Ergon 55: 173-182, 2016(PubMed
  • Tanimoto K, Anan M, Sawada T, Takahashi M, Shinkoda K: The effects of altering attentional demands of gait control on the variability of temporal and kinematic parameters. Gait Posture 47: 57-61, 2016(PubMed
  • Takeda T, Anan M, Takahashi M, Shinkoda K: Influences of trunk flexion on mechanical energy flow in the lower extremities during gait. J Phys Ther Sci 28(5):1459-1464, 2016(PubMed


  • Sawada T, Kito N, Yukimune M, Tokuda K, Tanimoto K, Anan M, Takahashi M, Shinkoda K: Biomechanical effects of lateral and medial wedge insoles on unilateral weight bearing. J Phys Ther Sci 28(1): 280-285, 2016(PubMed
  • Anan M, Shinkoda K, Suzuki K, Yagi M, Kito N: Dynamic frequency analyses of lower extremity muscles during sit-to-stand motion for the patients with knee osteoarthritis. PLoS One 11(1): e0147496, 2016(PubMed
  • 谷本研二,阿南雅也,脇本祥夫,服部宏香,徳田一貫,高橋真,新小田幸一:階段降段と平地歩行における外部膝関節内転モーメントの特徴-変形性膝関節症患者と健常高齢者の比較-.理学療法科学 30(3):353-357,2015


  • 木村悠人,古門功大,星木宏之,林秀俊,阿南雅也,高橋真,新小田幸一:寛骨臼移動術後患者の股関節外転筋力と歩行時の体幹および骨盤傾斜角度.理学療法福岡 28:51-55, 2015
  • Anan M, Shinkoda K, Suzuki K, Yagi M, Ibara T, Kito N: Do patients with knee osteoarthritis perform sit-to-stand motion efficiently? Gait Posture 41: 488-492, 2015(PubMed


  • 徳田一貫,新小田幸一,羽田清貴,合津卓朗,田中泰山,吉田研吾,木藤伸宏,菅川祥枝,本山達男,川嶌眞人,阿南雅也:内側型変形性膝関節症における歩行立脚時の関節角度と大腿・下腿回旋運動の評価.理学療法科学 29(2):437-442,2014
  • Sunaga Y, Anan M, Shinkoda K: Biomechanics of rising from a chair and walking in pregnant women. Appl Ergon 44(5): 792-798, 2013(PubMed
  • 脇本祥夫,新小田幸一,山下祐助,八木優英,阿南雅也:短下肢装具装着による足関節背屈可動域制限が昇段動作中の体幹・下肢に及ぼす影響.日本義肢装具学会誌 29(2):98-103,2013


  • Anan M, Ibara T, Kito N, Shinkoda K: The clarification of the strategy during sit-to-stand motion from a standpoint of mechanical energy transfer. J Phys Ther Sci 24(8): 231-236, 2012(J-STAGE
  • 八木優英,鈴木謙太郎,阿南雅也,新小田幸一:足関節の機能的不安定性が片脚立位のバランス応答に与える影響.理学療法科学 27(4):373-377,2012


  • 羽田清貴,徳田一貫,宮本崇司,辛嶋良介,奥村晃司,杉木知武,阿南雅也,川嶌眞人:肩関節疾患患者の肩関節外転運動の運動学的分析.大分県理学療法学 5:15-20,2012
  • 徳田一貫,阿南雅也,新小田幸一,田村裕昭,川嶌眞人:反復性肩関節脱臼術後の理学療法の一考察.大分県理学療法学 5:1-7,2012
  • 八木優英,鈴木謙太郎,阿南雅也,新小田幸一:足関節の機能的不安定性が片脚立位の筋活動に与える影響.理学療法科学 27(2):213-216,2012
  • 鈴木謙太郎,八木優英,中島大悟,阿南雅也,新小田幸一:片側膝関節伸展制限が跨ぎ動作に及ぼす影響.理学療法科学 27(2):185-188,2012


  • 徳田一貫,阿南雅也,佐々木誠人,川嶌眞人:肩関節拘縮に対するアプローチの一考察.大分県理学療法学 4:3-8,2010
  • Kito N, Shinkoda K, Yamasaki T, Kanemura N, Anan M, Okanishi N, Ozawa J, Moriyama H: Contribution of knee adduction moment impulse to pain and disability in Japanese women with medial knee osteoarthritis. Clin Biomech 25(9): 914-919, 2010(PubMed
  • 山﨑貴博,木藤伸宏,阿南雅也,新小田幸一:内側型変形性膝関節症者の歩き始めにおける立脚肢外部膝関節内反モーメントの特徴.理学療法科学 25(6):951-956,2010
  • 阿南雅也,徳田一貫,木藤伸宏,新小田幸一:変形性膝関節症における椅子からの立ち上がり動作の運動学的分析.理学療法科学 25(5):755-760,2010


  • 山﨑貴博,木藤伸宏,阿南雅也,新小田幸一:変形性膝関節症者の歩き始めと定常歩行時の外部膝関節内反モーメントについて.理学療法科学 25(3):343-348,2010
  • 中島大悟,石丸和也,山﨑貴博,阿南雅也,木藤伸宏,新小田幸一:立ち上がり動作における体幹運動への加齢及び動作スピードの影響.理学療法科学 25(2):239-243,2010


  • 長部太勇,阿南雅也,川嶌眞之,川嶌眞人:右下肢広範囲皮膚移植後患者に対する運動連鎖に着目した理学療法の検討.大分県理学療法学 3:14-19,2008
  • 徳田一貫,阿南雅也,佐々木誠人,川嶌眞人:肩インピンジメント症候群に対するアプローチの一考察.大分県理学療法学 3:20-28,2008
  • 木藤伸宏,新小田幸一,金村尚彦,阿南雅也,山﨑貴博,石井慎一郎,加藤浩:内側型変形性膝関節症の外部膝関節内反モーメントと疼痛,身体機能との関係.理学療法科学 23(5):633-640,2008


  • Anan M, Okumura K, Kito N, Shinkoda K: Effects of variation in cushion thickness on the sit-to-stand motion of elderly people. J Phys Ther Sci 20(1): 51-57, 2008(J-STAGE
  • 永芳郁文,田村裕昭,川嶌眞人,奥村晃司,阿南雅也,木藤伸宏,加藤浩:変形性股関節症に対する理学療法(運動連鎖の改善への取り組みについて).大分県整形外科医会誌 26:9-16,2007


  • 阿南雅也,奥村晃司,木藤伸宏,佐々木誠人,川嶌眞人:運動連鎖機能不全からのアライメント異常と捉えアプローチした両肩関節拘縮を呈した症例の理学療法.大分理学療法学 2:33-41,2006


  • 甲田宗嗣,阿南雅也,新小田幸一:日常生活でよくみられる起立から歩行にいたる一連の動作解析 高齢者における動作スピードの影響に着目して.広島大学保健学ジャーナル 3(2):35-43,2004