Takeuchi S, Anan M: Effect of cutting angle on intra-foot coordination pattern during unanticipated side-cutting maneuvers in female soccer players. Sports Med Health Sci : 2025 in Press
Takeuchi S, Anan M: Does chronic ankle instability affect side-cutting in female soccer players? Int J Sports Med : 2024(PubMed)
Makino K, Shiwa T, Anan M: Association between varus thrust and foot alignment and flexibility in knee osteoarthritis. Physiother Theory Pract: 2024(PubMed)
Wakimoto Y, Anan M, Tanimoto K, Hattori H, Shinkoda K: Factors associated with greater co-contraction during walking and quadriceps exercises in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Physiother Pract Res: 2024 in Press
Anan M, Tokuda K, Tanimoto K, Sawada T: Coordination of joint movement during gait in knee osteoarthritis: Insights from uncontrolled manifold analysis. J Biomech176: 112305, 2024(PubMed)
Kirishima A, Anan M: Interjoint coordination at different squatting speeds in healthy adults. Cureus16(8): e67620, 2024(Pubmed)
Nakamura J, Igura R, Anan M: Kinematic synergy of speed reduction during stair descent. Acta Bioeng Biomech26(2): 153-158, 2024(PubMed)
Shiwa T, Makino K, Anan M: Influence of tactile and verbal guidance on lateral weight-shifting in double-leg standing after total hip arthroplasty. J Bodyw Mov Ther40: 1289-1294, 2024(PubMed)
Todaka R, Kajiyama T, Kariu N, Anan M: Effect of gait training with non-paretic knee immobilization on lower limb and trunk acceleration in a post-stroke hemiparetic patient: A case report. Cureus16(7): e64193, 2024(PubMed)
Kubota Y, Tsubouchi Y, Anan M, Kawano M, Iwasaki T, Itonaga I, Ikeda S, Kataoka M, Tsumura H, Kaku N, Tanaka K: Gait analysis of a patient after femoral nerve and malignant soft tissue tumor resections: a case report. BMC Musculoskelet Disord25(1):131, 2024(PubMed)
Shiwa T, Kawabata Y, Ishii T, Anan M: Effect of heel lift insertion on gait function in a patient with total hip arthroplasty with patient-perceived leg length difference: a case report. J Phys Ther Sci36(2): 81-86, 2024(PubMed)
Anan M, Tokuda K, Tanimoto K, Sawada T: The relationship between knee flexion excursion and mechanical stress during gait in medial knee osteoarthritis. Clin Biomech112: 106180, 2024(PubMed)
Todaka R, Kajiyama T, Kariu N, Anan M: Longitudinal changes in trunk acceleration and their relationship with gait parameters in post-stroke hemiplegic patients. Hum Mov Sci93: 103176, 2023(PubMed)
Ibara T, Hada K, Karashima R, Kawashima M, Anan M: Correlation between rotational moments of the knee and other joints during gait, including the free moment of patients with a medial meniscus tear. Acta Bioeng Biomech22(4): 119-126, 2023(PubMed)
Ibara T, Takahashi M, Shinkoda K, Kawashima M, Anan M: Hip sway in patients with hip osteoarthritis during one-leg standing with a focus on time-series data. Motor Control25(3):502-518, 2021(PubMed)
Tanaka K, Anan M, Tsubouchi Y, Iwasaki T, Kawano M, Itonaga I, Ikeda S, Kataoka M, Suenobu S, Tsumura H: Gait analysis of a patient who underwent complete resection of the patella and quadriceps femoris for soft tissue sarcoma. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med57(2):298-302, 2021(PubMed)
Sunaga Y, Takahashi M, Anan M, Shinkoda K: Changes in motion patterns among pregnant women turning while carrying an object after rising from a chair. Int J Ind Ergon80: 103057, 2020(ScienceDirect)
Harada T, Hara M, Matsushita K, Kawakami K, Kawakami K, Anan M, Sugata H: Off‐line effects of alpha‐frequency transcranial alternating current stimulation on a visuomotor learning task. Brain Behav10(9): e01754, 2020(PubMed)
Ibara T, Anan M, Karashima R, Hada K, Shinkoda K, Kawashima M, Takahashi M: Coordination pattern of the thigh, pelvic, and lumbar movements during the gait of patients with hip osteoarthritis. J Healthc Eng2020: 9545825, 2020(PubMed)
Ogata Y, Anan M, Takahashi M, Takeda T, Sawada T, Tanimoto K, Shinkoda K: Relationships between trunk movement patterns during lifting tasks as compared to unloaded extension from a flexed posture. J Manipulative Physiol Ther41(3) 189-198, 2018(PubMed)
Tokuda K, Anan M, Sawada T, Tanimoto K, Takeda T, Ogata Y, Takahashi M, Kito N, Shinkoda K: Biomechanical mechanism of lateral trunk lean gait for knee osteoarthritis patients. J Biomech66: 10-17, 2018(PubMed)
Anan M, Hattori H, Tanimoto K, Wakimoto Y, Ibara T, Kito N, Shinkoda K: The coordination of joint movements during sit-to-stand motion in old adults: the uncontrolled manifold analysis. Phys Ther Res20(2): 44-50, 2017(PubMed)
Tokuda K, Anan M, Sawada T, Tanimoto K, Takeda T, Ogata Y, Takahashi M, Kito N, Shinkoda K: Trunk lean gait decreases multi-segmental coordination in the vertical direction. J Phys Ther Sci29(11): 1940-1946, 2017(PubMed)
Sawada T, Tanimoto K, Tokuda K, Iwamoto Y, Ogata Y, Anan M, Takahashi M, Kito N, Shinkoda K: Rear foot kinematics when wearing lateral wedge insoles and foot alignment influence the effect of knee adduction moment for medial knee osteoarthritis. Gait Posture57: 177-181, 2017(PubMed)
Tanimoto K, Takahashi M, Tokuda K, Sawada T, Anan M, Shinkoda K: Lower limb kinematics during the swing phase in patients with knee osteoarthritis measured using an inertial sensor. Gait Posture57: 236-240, 2017(PubMed)
Sawada T, Tokuda K, Tanimoto K, Iwamoto Y, Ogata Y, Anan M, Takahashi M, Kito N, Shinkoda K: Foot alignments influence the effect of knee adduction moment with lateral wedge insoles during gait. Gait Posture49: 451-456, 2016(PubMed)
Sunaga Y, Kanemura N, Anan M, Takahashi M, Shinkoda K: Estimation of inertial parameters of the lower trunk in pregnant Japanese women: A longitudinal comparative study and application to motion analysis. Appl Ergon55: 173-182, 2016(PubMed)
Tanimoto K, Anan M, Sawada T, Takahashi M, Shinkoda K: The effects of altering attentional demands of gait control on the variability of temporal and kinematic parameters. Gait Posture47: 57-61, 2016(PubMed)
Takeda T, Anan M, Takahashi M, Shinkoda K: Influences of trunk flexion on mechanical energy flow in the lower extremities during gait. J Phys Ther Sci28(5):1459-1464, 2016(PubMed)
Sawada T, Kito N, Yukimune M, Tokuda K, Tanimoto K, Anan M, Takahashi M, Shinkoda K: Biomechanical effects of lateral and medial wedge insoles on unilateral weight bearing. J Phys Ther Sci28(1): 280-285, 2016(PubMed)
Anan M, Shinkoda K, Suzuki K, Yagi M, Kito N: Dynamic frequency analyses of lower extremity muscles during sit-to-stand motion for the patients with knee osteoarthritis. PLoS One11(1): e0147496, 2016(PubMed)
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Kito N, Shinkoda K, Yamasaki T, Kanemura N, Anan M, Okanishi N, Ozawa J, Moriyama H: Contribution of knee adduction moment impulse to pain and disability in Japanese women with medial knee osteoarthritis. Clin Biomech25(9): 914-919, 2010(PubMed)
Anan M, Okumura K, Kito N, Shinkoda K: Effects of variation in cushion thickness on the sit-to-stand motion of elderly people. J Phys Ther Sci20(1): 51-57, 2008(J-STAGE)
Gempei T, Tawara D, Anan M: Musculoskeletal simulation to estimate muscle activity and reaction forces of knee osteoarthritis patients while walking. The 12th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, Kuala Lumpur, November 15-18, 2023,ポスター発表
Nakamura J, Igura R, Anan M: Kinematic synergy of speed reduction during stair descending. ISPGR (The International Society for Posture and Gait Research) World Congress 2023, Brisbane, July 9-13, 2023,ポスター発表
Anan M, Tokuda K, Sawada T, Tanimoto K: What effect does reduced knee 6exion movement during gait have on patients with knee osteoarthritis? ISPGR (The International Society for Posture and Gait Research) World Congress 2023, Brisbane, July 9-13, 2023,ポスター発表
渡部日向子,大森寛太,小野翔正,菊池武士,阿南雅也:不整地歩行を支援する義肢装具開発のための片流れ斜面歩行の分析.ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会 2023 in Nagoya,名古屋市,2023年6月28-7月1日,ポスター発表
Kaneko C, Anan M: Effects of the upper limb position on toe-standing postural control. IADMS 31st Annual Conference, Denver & Online, October 21-24, 2021
志波徹,牧野光一朗,阿南雅也:人工股関節全置換術患者における立位重心側方移動の経時的変化-画像を用いた運動学的解析-.九州理学療法士学術大会 2021 from SASEBO,Web開催,2021年10月16-17日,口述発表
戸髙良祐,狩生直哉,阿南雅也:脳卒中後片麻痺患者の長下肢装具から短下肢装具への移行が体幹挙動に及ぼす影響-症例報告-.九州理学療法士学術大会 2021 from SASEBO,Web開催,2021年10月16-17日,口述発表
狩生直哉,戸髙良祐,阿南雅也:加速度計を使用したフィードバックを行った転倒恐怖感を有する大腿骨頸部骨折患者-症例報告-.九州理学療法士学術大会 2021 from SASEBO,Web開催,2021年10月16-17日,口述発表
Kaneko C, Anan M: Effects of gender in balance ability of toe-standing. World Physiotherapy Congress 2021, Online, April 9-11, 2021
Kada M, Anan M: Comparison of anterior cruciate ligament injured and healthy individuals for cutting movements without sufficient acceleration. World Physiotherapy Congress 2021, Online, April 9-11, 2021
Anan M,Ibara T, Hada K: Does the joint movement coordination structure for older people change with visual feedback of the center of gravity? World Physiotherapy Congress 2021, Online, April 9-11, 2021
Toriyama M, Anan M: The analysis of mechanical energy factors in knee abduction motion during landing of a vertical drop jump. 40th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Raleigh, August 2-5, 2016